Plotting extracted clusters using plot_clusters

By default, the visualisation offered by cblaster shows only a heatmap of query hits per result cluster. While this is very useful for quickly identifying patterns in large datasets, we generally still want to see how these clusters compare in a more biologically relevant way.

The plot_clusters module allows you to do precisely this. Given a session and some filters to choose specific clusters (exactly like in the extract_clusters module), this module will automatically extract the clusters, then generate an interactive visualisation showing each cluster to-scale using clinker (doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btab007,

Example usage

Minimum working example:

$ cblaster plot_clusters session.json

Plot clusters 1-10 and cluster 25 (these numbers can be found in the summary file of the ‘search’ command):

$ cblaster plot_clusters session.json -c 1-10 25 -o plot.html

Plot only from specific organisms (regular expressions):

$ cblaster plot_clusters session.json -or "Aspergillus.*" "Penicillium.*" -o plot.html

Plot only clusters from a specific range on scaffold_123 and all clusters on scaffold_234 (note: assumes unique scaffold names):

$ cblaster plot_clusters session.json -sc scaffold_123:1-80000 scaffold_234 -o plot.html